Saturday 12 October 2013

A worthwhile post: PuX F.M goes live!

I'll explain everything later, just a quick notice that I am alive and a lot has developed since I was on here.

PuX F.M - LIVE Streaming 24/7 Radio
Listen to live Radio!

PuX F.M. gone LIVE - Official Radio Page on Host : ipad & iphone compatible!!!!

24/7 LIVE Radio

Webplayer for Windows / Linux / MAC: PuX F.M Radio Webplayer

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Less talk; more action

Being preoccupied is something that keeps me on my feet. I will make sure I always have a day that is filled with tasks and free-time. I find micro-management a very useful, efficient and easily adaptable concept that everyone should consider learning and applying in their everyday life.

A lot is going on at the moment and I find at the moment I'm far too deep in the waters to write about it. I need to explore this new abyss and see what I must do to ensure I stay on the right path.

The reason for the post is to announce:

  1. New Blog Section - AION Online: My personal collaboration of guides, tips & tricks and modifications.
  2. Download Section: Offering you all my modifications and scripts to download.
  3. The foundations for a community - I have set the foundations for the new community I am building. 

Please be patient as at the moment I am very busy.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

How time flies by...

Yes, it has been a while since I last posted. I have been both busy and too worn out to sit down and enjoy the blogging scene. Today is a special day. I have been fighting a certain feeling but it's a losing battle.

I feel so lonely. Noone is around to even remotely begin taking some weight off my shoulders and I feel it's getting heavier and heavier. So this is adulthood?

Bring it on!

Saturday 2 February 2013

Natural Strength and Acquired Strength

Everyone is different and captures every moment differently from the person next to them. Not a single person has the same neurological connections as the person next to them. This is the difference between people.

Everybody goes through events and consequences in their life which shape their personality and their emotional perception. Some people take the lesson and move on, whilst others sit and mourn until their feelings start to change.
The difference between the two types of people is simple;

1. Natural Strength is the ability to keep moving forward because your mind is able to process the images, voices, etc without having to connect to their emotional side, without hesitation, they face the struggle and find ways to conquer it. Just because.

2. Acquired Strength is a slow and timely process that takes years of suffering and experience in order to develop the will to move on, every event that has significant impact will create a memory and a way to deal with the situation should it come around again .

Neither is better but in order to  it vital to understand that failing is a part of life that should be taken positively rather than negatively. People with natural strength do not have to worry about building strength through experience but rather will use their instinct to push through the situation and then acquire the lesson. In other words, they use their strength to learn the lesson rather than build strength through the learning process.

You cannot build natural strength. It runs deep in the blood.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Windows 8...problem, solution, problem, solution

After 24 hours of failed attempts getting Windows 8 to install on my new laptop, it has finally decided to copy all the files onto the hard drive...with the drivers. I will come back to this post once I've tested it more thoroughly.


A bit of a delay. It took me some time to get Windows working exactly the way I wanted it to. The changes (in my opinion) were minimal, it's just a matter of keeping an open mind. Windows have started to focus around the whole idea oh synchronizing and maintaining online accounts with all your preferences and being able to move your settings and Apps from one PC to the next. To clarify, the Windows 8 interface (for the average user) revolves around Apps and a store, much like Apple's idea of the iPhone / iPad / iPod store.
It's hard to say whether this step is something worth their while. As technology, especially, Operating Systems have developed, I have noticed a pattern; the newer the version, the more redistricted I am. Less and less focus seems to go on the the advanced UI and more onto making things simple...

I could go into a whole debate of making things easy for people not willing to learn but I will leave that for another chapter.

To summarize:

My current setup:

PC 1:

Fedora Core 18 - x64
6 GB Ram, Intel Dual Core, 2.1 GHZ, 500 GB Hard-Drive

This computer is the foundation of the network I have at home. It's duty is to monitor the traffic coming in & out. It also has a 3 TB Hard-Drive attached which serves as the houses media center. The computer also acts as a streaming media server for the local network.

PC 2:

Windows 8 Pro - x64
6 GB RAM, Intel core i7 @ 2.65GHZ, 500 GB Hard-Drive, Intel HD Graphics

This is my main work PC. It has been setup to allow me to stay up to date with the latest programming and technology development. I have stripped Windows 8 down to the core, in order to allow more RAM and processing power to be assigned to compiling and testing of software.

PC 3:

Gaming PC, let the specs speak for itself:

CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K
CPU Overclocking: 4.3Ghz - Moderate Overclock
CPU Cooler: Xigmatek Loki SDS963
Motherboard: Asus P8Z77-V LX2
RAM: 8GB Corsair 1600mhz Vengeance (2x4GB)
Hard Drive: 1TB S-ATAIII 6.0Gb/s
Optical Drive: 22x DVD±RW DL S-ATA
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB
Case: Zalman Z11 Plus
PSU: 500W Xigmatek

Saturday 26 January 2013

Enabling: Alexandra Matsi

Not a lot of people these days follow their dreams and desires. So when I come across someone who is doing everything they can to enable their dream, I will find any way to support that person.

I have come across a young girl who has a passion for her acoustic guitar and vocal trance. It becomes an interesting and new mix.

Alexandra Matsi's Sound Cloud can be found by clicking here.

Ruthlessness: The world of Business.

"In order to survive the hunted must become the hunters"

The business world is a tough industry however it is a part of everyone's life. Unlike on the middle-class working levels (office workers, brick layers, taxi drivers), where hard work and long hours are rewarded, in the Corporate world, the only way to be successful is ruthlessness.
In order to move up the ladder, three criteria have to be met:

  1. You prove that you have outgrown your position. You take on extra responsibilities before you get the promotion, this shows the employer that you are ready to take on the extra tasks and take the initiative.
  2. You are willing to let go of the friendship you have with your colleagues. They are no longer your friends. They are now people who by standards of hierarchy, follow your instructions. You are in no way allowed to use your emotions to make decisions when it comes to subordinates. Even a single irrational decision will cost you all the respect you have worked for.
  3. Stay focused on your goal. A weak person will not adapt their milestones according to the goal they have in mind but instead they will continue struggling and achieve nothing. Weak people will believe that breaking your main goal into smaller simpler tasks is giving up. This is not the case.
CEO's are in their position because of one reason: they never let go of their dream. Even if for a brief moment it may seem as though they have changed their goals to achieve less, in the long run, those people are the ones that have overcome their fear of failure.
The world of Business is ruled by people who have the flare to push through anything they come across. The first step to jumping onto the bandwagon is to accept that in order to become a CEO, you have to outsmart one. You cannot become one unless you have used a CEO's own thought pattern against him or her.

The principle is simple. In order to excel above others, have them judge you. People with normal abilities narrow their judgement to only their own. The fact that you are asking people for their opinion on your flaws means that you have already surpassed them.
You will come across many people but one thing they all have in common is their weakness when it comes to the 'colleagues' who are more determined than they are, these kind people will analyse you in order to find anything they can put you down with. This information is of utmost value. Accept the harsh down-talk of your 'colleagues' and use their advice to excel yourself above and beyond.

The path of success is a lonely and long walk. Enjoy the silence.