Sunday 30 December 2012

Accepting it's over.

My mind has accepted it's over. There is something that I am feeling but I can't describe it. I try to grab onto the memories and feelings she once gave me but I can't seem to find them anymore. I should feel sad, but I don't. All I see is a blank canvas.

Could it be that I am heartless? I feel anger but the expected longing never follows. I am incapable of missing someone. I see this as a blessing. Emotions cloud judgement and hold people back. I am free to move forward with no restrictions and no one holding me back.

It has taken me 6 years to come to this conclusion. I still do not understand the reasoning behind my way of thinking but I have no interest in finding it.

"The heartless one has reached the top of the mountain. He wanted to see his enemies pile up before him. Standing a top, overlooking the bloodthirsty battlefield; a flower blossomed and reached for his strike or to fall?"

Saturday 29 December 2012

just LOL; attitude is everything.

Keep Walking

Every problem comes with something that everyone seems to miss. A solution.
Whatever the situation may be, the boat rises with the waves of the water. This can be applied to one's attitude when dealing with something they may feel is overwhelming.

Taking my current situation, I can only assume the worst, yet no matter had I imagine the situation to be, I will walk through it.

Motto of the day:

"Keep Walking"

All the excuses you could ever think of.

One phrase:

Keep Walking.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Always a good read; relax, we understand j00!

Back when I was a teenager we didn't have streaming media and torrents. Loading a web page was as painful as waiting for the kettle to boil.

I remember trying finding ways to pass the time whilst also trying to utilize my grandparent's newly acquired 56K modem. I was lost for ideas at this point and I couldn't find any use for the internet. After a long break from using the computer I came back...I remember waiting for Internet Explorer 4.0 to load up. When it had finally finished, I loaded up Google and just typed comics into the search bar...the first result:

MegaTokyo, for anyone who doesn't know, I suggest giving it a read, the link is here: MegaTokyo: Relax, we understand j00!

A manga based on two boys taking plane tickets to Tokyo with no plan or money.

megatokyo, mange, e3, gaming, anime, comicon, stream anime online, web comics

Enjoy and spend your time well.

It's the darkness on my side

Words cannot describe

Awkward Moments

The best way to deal with an awkward situation is to not acknowledge it. The moment will soon pass and you can carry on as normal. Situations only become awkward if you let them.

The Comedown

Everything I have experienced in life, whether it was something as deep as a relationship or something as simple as a night of drug abuse...has a comedown. No matter how long you ride the wave and go along, at some point your mind and your body will face the consequences of having thrown yourself in.
Everybody seems to avoid this. Why, I cannot understand, the feelings and effects are a natural process of dealing with everything that you have seen and felt in the last few days / weeks / months.
The learning process begins with the comedown, if you don't allow your body to suffer, you will never learn.

No matter how deep you are in the pit, there is always a way out. It's just a matter of pushing until you reach the top.

Quote of the post:

"Let the angels sing, just knock on heavens door. Come and fly with me"

comedown, drug abuse, strength, real life, bushido, way of the warrior, code of the samurai

Time doesn't heal; it repeats

They say time heals all wounds, I have failed to understand the statement to this day.
Hearts get broken, people leave your life, surroundings change; time may heal the wounds caused by those events only for it happen again and again...and...again!

People fall into routine, people start to accept their monotonous ways of life and forget what they dreamed of doing.
Of course, exceptions define the rule. People who are happy to accept their routines are very likely to lead a 'happy' life. "Cliche is a pauperized ecstasy  - So long as you are leading this life, everything seems fine but step outside the box just will forever be taunted by the idea of making it to the next level.

For me, my story is different. I have since the age of 16 aimed to live the way I have always imagined. I am a fighter, I will not give up until I am exactly where I should be.
This is why I believe time repeats itself, in order to achieve, we have to suffer. Suffer until everything falls into place.

I believe this is the test.
bushido, time, psychology, words of wisdom, bushido quotes