Thursday 3 January 2013

Learnings: Part I

  • I am free to do what I choose, so are you. The choice to leave or to stay is yours.
  • I would rather see my own blood drip onto the floor than to step down and admit defeat. If this ideology emits even a single signal of shiver within you, you are not fit to survive.
  • Dying a meaningless death is the essence of gambling. Apply it to everything.
  • There is a big difference between choosing and making a choice.
  • No matter whether you run or walk in the rain, you will get equally as wet.
  • You belief should always exceed your expectations.
  • You can always keep walking.
  • It is not possible to conduct an Orchestra unless you turn your back to the audience.
  • You can only convince others if you believe your own words and actions.

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