Tuesday 1 January 2013

Euphoria; a new beginning.

People are lead to believe that doing a certain amount of drugs will cause an overdose, a euphoria of emotions that leads them to believe that they will not survive the night. I fail to understand this.
In my lifetime I have taken many drugs, from powder to green. To this day I am still standing healthy and trying to understand the problems people have when they intoxicate themselves.

Once they understand that the body is a strong organism, will they understand that the amount of drugs they dare to do will not be able to harm the human body.

Today is a new day, it is the 1st of January 2013 and a new beginning. I have had many disputes and thoughts when it comes to turning a new leaf at the start of a new year...

The human mind works in a mysterious way. It populates the memories of Christmas with a bundle of unfamiliar emotions. In simple terms...people start to become nostalgic due to the memories they have attached to the festival. I come across the same situation as when it comes to relationships.The same way they see the 1st of January a start of a new leaf, a new life...
It doesn't work that way...whether it is a special occasion or not, the mind is not able to simply switch off certain dirty habits. People form a false belief around the idea of starting anew on the 1st of January and then fail to comply with their 'new years resolutions' because it is not as simple as flicking a switch.

Considering something has become a big enough impact in your life to consider a change, your must understand that a habit takes 21 non-repetitions in order to eliminate. People who fail to understand this will be stuck in an endless cycle of 'new year promises'.

If something is worth a change, don't hesitate to make that change, a date on the calender won't change your motivation.

Fuck motivation; just do it.

Never the less, whatever you take from this...happy new year.

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